Sylvias Mixed Greens, Specially-Seasoned

Queen of soul food. Heart healthy. No cholesterol. Diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce your risk of heart disease, a disease associated with many factors. Perfectly paired. We can't open the doors of our Sylvia's Restaurant without greens. Our customers say, That's what I'm here for. I love your greens. Growing up, we ate greens almost everyday so I had lots of practice making them taste just right. You'll love our canned, greens and not just because all the work of cleaning and cooking them is done for you. Just last week, a regular told me she was rushing and bought our greens in a can for the first time. She said, Girl, I took those greens home, and they taste just like the ones in the Restaurant. She didn't think greens in a can could taste like that. They're smokin'! We hope you enjoy our other soul-satisfying dishes, too! Love, - Sylvia. Already cooked. Heat and eat.